moksaは京都市中⼼部から少し外れた若狭へ続く⼭道への⼊り⼝であり、⼋瀬の窯⾵呂を起源とする⼼⾝を清める場所、⽐叡⼭の麓であることなど、場所性や⼟地の⽂化・歴史から紐解いた⼋瀬の独⾃性をテーマに、様々な現代作家の作品をしつらえ、豊かに表現しています。京都のギャラリーtonotoとつくる⾃然素材を⽤いた民俗的モダンな空間。moksa jin と名付けられたmoksaの守護神のような愛らしい⼟像が点在しており、作家達の作品とともにお客様の滞在を愉しく演出します。
Moksa lies a little outside of Kyoto city, the gateway to the old road to Wakasa. Traditionally a place to purify both heart and mind at the foot of sacred Mt. Hiei, Yase has a deep history and sense of place which various contemporary artists have drawn upon for inspiration in creating the richly expressive artworks that decorate the hotel. The “folk-modern” space filled with natural materials was produced by Kyoto's Gallery tonoto. Dotted with adorable statues like the guardian deity of moksa named “moksa jin”, the works of the artists will bring an added delight to your stay.
We offer tea utensils and tea vessels by the same artisans as those used to serve at the Kikyorai counter. You’ll also find tea leaves including both medicinal tea and Chinese tea, and miscellaneous goods including the amenities offered at moksa, and organic cosmetics and fragrances.
moksa has a beautiful garden deeply carpeted in moss. This ancient garden was already here long before moksa was built, and pure water constantly flows through it thanks to a stream that is diverted from the clear current of the Takano River. With beautiful scenery in every season, this garden is a healing space that small wild animals sometimes wander into from the mountain above. Please enjoy strolling here in the morning or relaxing at dusk.